Sat (true, real) + Guru (Enlightener, heavy, higher, exalted, superior, important, venerable). Most of the translators of the Sikh Scripture have translated it as ‘True Guru’ (‘True Enlightener’), but it is simple literal translation. If we explore the shades of the meanings of the word Guru, then satguru also means ‘exalted Enlightener’, ‘higher Enlightener’, ‘real Enlightner’.
According to a search engine, in Guru Granth Sahib the word ‘satgur/ satguru’ appears for 2390 times (out of this for 523 times it appears as a part of shorter manglacharan). Though mostly it has been used for ‘True Enlightener’ (who leads one to union with God or the one who leads one on true path; but, satguru word has been used for God as well. God is referred to as Satguru in Guru Granth Sahib for more than 800 times.
(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)