MAYA (Illusion & Delusion)
Maya has been defined as illusion, unreality, deception, misleading generalization, trick, spell etc; some have defined it ‘magic show’ as well.
According to Vedant, everything other than God is Maya (illusion), non-existent, false. It is revealed through three gunas [rajas (energy), tamas (greed), satva (truth)].
Sikhism believes that everything that God has created is true, eternal, more so because He lives in it. Of course, what is man-made is false, is for a given period; hence it is Maya. Maya is used for money/wealth also.
Mention of Maya, in Sikh scripture (Guru Granth Sahib), does not refer to this world; rather it refers to delusion which keeps a man away from Truth (God). This world, and everything of this world are real (not unreal), though transient, ephemeral. This ephemeral aspect is called Maya in Sikhism.
Maya is an obstacle in the way to liberation (self-realization). The way to overcome the spell of Maya is to live truthful life, overcome one’s ego and remember God.
When God makes a Graceful Glance, man is born. Human life is His Blessing. But, as one grows up, one forgets the Creator and becomes increasingly attached to pleasure, greed, materialism and egotism. It is the beginning of the spell of Maya. Such a person gradually becomes a Manmukh. God’s Grace can turn a Manmukh into a Gurmukh, who is free from the effects of Maya.
There are several other shades meanings and usage of the word Maya: 1. Wealth 2. Mythical Goddess of wealth (Lakshmi).
In multiple colours, types and species,
This Maya (i.e. universe) He created. (Guru Granth Sahib, p.6)
Who is big, the ‘bigness’ is of Maya.
(In fact) big is one who is intuned with God. (Guru Granth Sahib,p.188)
Earning thousands one runs for lac,
Not contented, he runs after Maya. (Guru Granth Sahib, p.279)
The whole world is fettered by the love of wealth.
The foolish Manmukhs are burning with ego.
(Guru Granth Sahib, p.394)
The Maya of three Gunas, is the source (of dirt),
In ego one forgets Name. (Guru Granth Sahib, p.647)
The lust of even great emperors and the landlords is not quenched.
Intoxicated in the love for wealth, they are ever indulging.
Their eyes cannot see anything (else). (Guru Granth Sahib, p.672)
As is the fire in womb, same is wealth outside.
The wealth and fire are all along the same.
The Creator has created this game. (Guru Granth Sahib, p.921)
The kings gather wealth and become egoist.
But this lovely wealth does not accompany.
The love of money is of many forms;
But other than Name nothing will go with. (Guru Granth Sahib, p.1342)
The foolish, the ignorant run after wealth,
The mind is encaged by wealth; thus the Name of God is forgotten.
Day and night, man loses faith for money.
Blinded by the intoxicating wealth man does not remember
anything else. (Guru Granth Sahib, p.1427)
(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)