Gunas (three gunas) & Divine qualities


Guna, depending on the context, means: string, thread, or strand; or virtue, merit, excellence; or quality, peculiarity, attribute, property, virtue, trait, and element etc.

In Samkhya philosophy, Prakriti (maya) is said to have three gunas (qualities/elements): sattva (rhythm), rajas (motion) and tamas (resistance).

When these qualities are in equilibrium, there is inertia and the maya is ineffective; but, when this equilibrium ends, the action of maya begins.

According to Sikhism, these three gunas are the Maya of God. (Guru Granth Sahib, p. 1123).

Tamo/Tamas is a symbol of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impurity, destruction, delusion, negativity, dullness or inactivity, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violence, viciousness, and ignorance;

Rajo/Rajas is a symbol of passion, activity, drivenness, movement, dynamism passion, restlessness, and aggressive activity; egoism, individualization

Sato/Satava is a symbol of goodness, purity, holiness, harmony, positive-ness, calmness, and tranquillity.

26 Divine Gunas (qualities):

According to ancient books, the divine qualities are the following 26 non-changing qualities (we are born with and/or must cultivate):

  1. Faith in God, faith in God is love, protection, justice, wisdom, mercy and omnipresence.
  2. Purity of mind – Attitude and a prime qualification for inner salvation, Inner Purification
  3. Steadiness in contemplation – Commitment, Devotion
  4. Dāna – Charity
  5. Dama – Limits, Controls of the Senses
  6. Yajna – Sacrifice
  7. Svadhyay – Self-reflection, Contemplation
  8. Tapas – Practice of Austerities like fasting etc.
  1. Arjavam – Simplicity
  2. Ahimsa – Non Violence
  3. Satya – Truth, Honesty
  4. Akrodha – Less Anger with obstacles
  5. Tyaga – Giving up or Renunciation
  6. Shanthi – Peace of mind, Calmness, Tranquility
  7. Apaisuna – Non-criticism or not criticizing others, Absence of Calumny
  8. Daya – Mercy, Forgiveness
  9. Aloluptva – No greed, no avarice
  10. Mardav – Softness, gentleness, mildness, leniency
  11. Hrī – Modesty
  12. Achapala – Focused, Absence of restlessness
  13. Tejas – Brightness and Light
  14. Kshama – Engaged in welfare of others
  15. Dhrti – Will, power, Steadfastness
  16. Saucha – Cleanliness
  17. Adroha – Faithfulness
  18. Natimanita – Not looking for Acclaim or Praise

(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)