Bhai Harnam Singh, son of Bhai Labh Singh Ramgarhia, was born at Amritsar. Later he moved to the Far East countries. In 1913-14, mainly the Sikh emigrants in the Far East coiuntires organised themselves for an armed struggle for the freedom of their homeland from the British. At the same time Ghadr Party was formed in the North America. The revolutionaries of both these zones collaborated each other. The revolutionaries of the Far East countries began collecting arms and ammunition. These arms and ammunitions were being stocked in the forest areas of Burma, Thailand and China. More than 70 persons were associated with this group. Soon, the British authorities learnt about these activities. With in a short time all the activists were arrested. 70 persons were tried under Mandla Conspiracy Case. Bhai Harnam Singh and six others were given death sentence. Bhai Harnam Singh was hanged on November 14, 1916.

(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)