

Sacrament is a term applied to the seven Roman Catholic Christian rites of Baptism: Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Ordination and Matrimony. The Protestants restrict it to two: Baptism and Eucharist. In Hinduism, sacrament means certain rites to be performed for achievement of salvation.

In Hinduism Yagyopaveet (wearing of janeo) is a sacramental ceremony; they have more sacramental ceremonies too.

In Sikhism, there is nothing like the Christian or Hindu Sacrament. Improperly, the Sikh institution of marriage has been called sacred. In Sikhism, the only sacrament (in the sense of sacred and not in the Christian or Hindu terminology) is ‘Khande Di Pahul’ (Sikh initiation).

In a way, human being itself is a ‘sacrament’ as it is an act of Grace of God and we must treat it as ‘sacramental’.

(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)