
Gurmata (the Sikh consensus)

Gurmata is a decision made according to Guru’s Mat (wisdom/teachings).

All the decisions affecting the Sikh nation, reached through a consensus, in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib, are called Gurmata.

During the eighteenth century, the issues of the Sikhs were decided by way of gurmata; the chiefs of all the groups, Misls, units of army, groups of the Sikhs used to gather at Akal Takht or any other place, to discuss a particular issue; the decision was reached by way of consensus, in accordance with the Sikh ideology, hence it was known as gurmata.

In Sikhism Gurmata is no majority decision; it is ‘collective judgement’, and, it has to be achieved as per the counsel of the Guru (Guru’s teachings); it has to be acceptable to everyone, thus, bearing no possibility of grudge or grievance.

A Gurmata can be made about the Sikh national issues or the issues regarding clarifications and/or support of the issues pertaining to the fundamental principles of Sikhism.

A Gurmata can’t pronounce verdict on Sikh philosophy, not can it change any postulates of the Sikh ideology.

Also see: Hukamnaamaa, Mata.

(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)