Bhai Bhulla Jhanjia, a goldsmith, was a devout Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan Sahib. Once he, accompanied by Bhai Kulla Jhanjhi and Bhai Bhagirath, visited Guru Sahib. Guru Sahib explained to them the difference between a Gurmukh and Manmukh. Guru Sahib told them that Gurmukh is one who purges himself of ego; who acts upon the teaching of Guru; who does not forget an act of goodness done to him by someone. Guru Sahib further told them that more noble Gurmukh are those who give up all ego; who are nice to the others; who have no dislike even for those who bear ill-will for them; who attain spiritual knowledge. On the other hand a Manmukh is one who is ego-ridden; who forgets good acts done for him by other; who does not forget harm inflicted upon him by the others. Guru Sahib further told them that the worse among the Manmukhs are those who have malice towards one and all and worst are those who always return evil for good. Such persons always keep their back towards the teachings of Guru Sahib. Bhai Bhulla and his companions thanked Guru Sahib and lived their lives as ideal men.

(Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer)